Welcome to the Gallery
I'll mostly share my digital art here, you may notice that I change the way I draw/color stuff a lot digitally, I'm still finding out how I like to do things digitally...

Fantasy Practice + Kyuss down there

An executioner... a future oc, I'm working on who this guy is. Site mascot maybe???

Some guy, a redraw of some art on the HWY74 page, maybe an oc or sm who knows

Just a badass wizard, idk

Minos Prime, Ultrakill

Dude from the I Appear Missing music video

Creighton, DS2 (REDRAW!)

Damsel, VTMB

White Mask Varre, ER (REDRAW! :P)

Leonhardt, DS3

Weather Report, JJBA-Stone Ocean

Layne Staley :)

My Elden Ring Character

Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, BB

Lautrec, DS1 that evil son of a gun. Castle Crashers barbarian is mini lautrec 100%