1 Year Anniversary!! | 20,000+ Visits!!


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Down in a Hole

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Hey and welcome to my website! I'll try to consistently update it at least a few times a month and slowly make this something awesome! While you're here, check out marginalia a cool website that shows random smaller websites, which is how I found some of my fav neocities pages so far, Marginalia
Get ready to read a lot about music and shtuff cause I could talk about it for a loooong time:p


Uhm, sorry for not updating. Just moved into college and stuff has been pretty busy (I've also been pretty lazy about updating though), I'll start updating when I get into a good routine. -8/21/24

On Monday I'm leaving with my family for a pretty lengthy vacation, so that means no updates at all for quite a while. That means no SOTW!! You can always check out the archive though. See y'all later! -5/26/24

Filled the journal page up a bit and revamped the website playlist, now a lot less in your face and I feel it sets the sort of mood I want my website to feel like. Just a mix of shoegaze, trip hop, jungle and more -4/14/24

Just added a journal page, just in case you wanted to read about what I'm thinking about and steal my thoughts. Maybe you can listen to my playlist while reading my mind, just a thought -4/10/24

Very busy past 2 weeks here!! You might notice a guestbook (please sign it... please...), a Links page, and a Metal page!! The metal page is more like a bunch of shrines in one, but I've only made one part of it yet. Check all the new stuff out!! -4/3/24

The About Me page is up and running! You might notice a few empty boxes but I'll fill em up soon, What I have planned next is a links and neighbors page, maybe after that another music shrine, stay tuned... -3/24/24

A SOTW Archive and a vinyl collection page are now here! Very productive this weekend I gotta say... -3/16/24

New Song of the Week thing on homepage, not sure what else to put in the third square... New art and about me coming up just crazy procrastinating rn -2/25/24

Hey, new music page added, nothing on it yet though, grunge this time. I'm probably gonna change my desert rock page layout soon, it's kinda ugly imo -1/7/24

Hey, new art added to sketchbook on the art gallery page :) -12/10/23

Hey yall, finally added stuff to the Art page, planning on making an About Me next or at some point soon -8/2/23

New page added, meet Hwy74, a music page where all future music pages will link to. Thanks sadgrl.online layout builder but only handmade code from now on! -7/1/23

I added a music player, if it doesn't work make sure to allow audio on my site! -6/19/23

Hey y'all, I might not be updating for a while because I'm gonna be away from my computer for 2 weeks, but before I go I've been making some digital art (mostly fanart of games I like) and can't wait to show it off!
I'll make sure to add a new page with all my art when I can, thanks! -5/28/23

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Look at me!

Song of the Week:

Return Trip - Electric Wizard
10/10, the last half of the song makes me explode
Past Songs of the Week!

help me ahh im flying awayyyyy